Política de Cookies


The purpose of this cookie policy is to provide clear and accurate information about the cookies used on our website.

We use our own and third party cookies to improve our services, to personalise our website, to make browsing easier for our users, to provide a better browsing experience when using the website, to identify problems so that we can improve the website, to measure and compile usage statistics and to display advertising based on your preferences by analysing the use of the website.

We inform you that we may use cookies on your computer if you have given your consent as a user, except in cases where the cookies used are necessary to navigate our website. If you give your consent, we may use cookies to help us learn more about your preferences and to personalise our website according to your individual interests.


Cookies and other similar technologies, such as Local Shared Objects, Flash cookies or pixels, are tools that web servers use to store and retrieve information about their visitors and to ensure the proper functioning of the site.


Types of cookies, depending on the organisation that manages them:

·       Own cookies: these cookies are sent to the user's terminal from a computer or domain managed by the website owner and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

·       Third-party cookies: these cookies are sent to the user's terminal from a computer or domain not managed by the owner of the website from which the service requested by the user is provided, but by another organisation that processes the data obtained through those cookies. In addition, if cookies are installed from a computer or domain controlled by the website owner, but the information collected through them is controlled by a third party, they are also considered third party cookies.

Types of cookies based on their purpose:

·       Technical cookies: these cookies allow a user to browse a website, platform or application and use the various options or services available there, including those used by the publisher to manage and operate the website and enable its functions and services, such as controlling the flow and communication of data, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the items that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process related to an order, managing payment, checking for fraud related to the security of the service, registering or requesting participation in an event, counting visits for the purpose of billing for licences for the operation of the service (website, platform or application), using security elements during browsing, storing content for the purpose of broadcasting video or sound, enabling dynamic content (e.g. loading an animation for a text or image) or sharing content via social networks.

Also included in this category, due to their technical nature, are cookies that make it possible to manage in the most efficient way the advertising spaces as another element of the design or layout of the service offered to the user, which have been included by the editor in the website, application or platform on the basis of criteria such as the edited content, without collecting information about the user for various purposes, such as the personalisation of this advertising content and other types of content.

·       Preferences or personalisation cookies: these cookies allow information to be stored so that the user accesses the service with predefined settings that may differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as language, number of results to be displayed for a search made by the user, aspect or content of the service depending on the type of browser used by the user to access the service or the region from which the service is accessed, etc.

·       Analysis or measurement cookies: these cookies allow the operator to monitor and analyse the behaviour of users of the website to which they are linked, including quantifying the impact of advertising. The information collected by these cookies is used to measure the activity of the website, application or platform in order to make improvements based on the analysis of the data on the use of the service by the users.

·       Behavioural advertising cookies: these cookies allow the most efficient management of advertising space on the website. These cookies store information about the user's behaviour, which is obtained by continuously monitoring the user's browsing habits, in order to create a specific profile on the basis of which advertisements can be displayed.

·       Geolocation cookies: these cookies are used to locate the user when a service is requested. This type of cookie is anonymous and is used, for example, to provide the correct information depending on the country in which the user is located.

Types of cookies based on the time they remain active:

·       Session cookies: these cookies are used to collect and store data during the time the user is accessing a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only relevant to providing the service requested by the user on a one-off basis (e.g. a list of products purchased) and are deleted at the end of the session.

·       Persistent cookies: these cookies allow data to remain stored in the terminal and to be accessed and processed for a period of time defined by the cookie owner, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


(List cookie names, type, owner, purpose and duration) for example:





Retention Period




Stores the user's session identifier and is used by the content manager to interact with the user in a personalized way.

1 month




Indicates whether the user has reviewed the cookie information and accepted any of the options shown to them.

3 months




Stores the user's preference regarding the consent to use different types of cookies used by the website.

3 months



Third-party (Google)

This cookie generates a unique user ID and records the date, the first and the last time the user visited the website. It is used to count how many times a unique user visits the site.

2 years



Third-party (Google)

This cookie records the time of arrival on the page and expires after 24 hours. It is used to calculate how long a user stays on a page.

24 hours



Third-party (Google)

It is used to limit the request rate.

1 minute




Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.





Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.

6 months




Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.

13 months




Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.

6 months




Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.

6 months




It is used to store some details about the user, such as the unique visitor ID.

13 months




It is used to store attribution information that the referrer initially used to visit the website.

6 months


The user may at any time authorise, block or delete the cookies installed on their computer by adjusting the settings of the browser installed on their computer:

·        Chrome Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings.
For more information, please go to Google support or your browser’s help section.

·        Explorer oe Edge Tools -> Internet options -> Privacy -> Settings.
For more information, please go to Microsoft support or your browser’s help section.

·        Firefox: Tools ->Options -> Privacy-> History -> Custom settings.
For more information, please go to Mozilla support or your browser’s help section.

·        Safari Preferences -> Privacy.
For more information, please go to Apple support or your browser’s help section

Disabling cookies will not prevent you from browsing the site, although the use of some of its services may be limited and your browsing experience may therefore be less satisfactory.


The user may at any time withdraw their consent to the cookie policy and delete the cookies stored on their computer by adjusting the settings of their Internet browser as described above and by accessing our configuration panel:Cookie Settings 


This Cookie Policy may be amended at any time as required by applicable law or in the event of changes to the type of cookies used by the website. We therefore encourage you to consult this policy whenever you visit our website to ensure that you are properly informed about how we use cookies and for what purposes.